Shine Treatment

What is Shine Treatment?
Keratin Treatment
We offer two types of gloss-enhancing treatments at our salon. One is the Keratin Treatment, which reconstructs the hair’s internal structure using a combination of chemicals and heat. It liberates you from blow-drying and perms, leading to effortlessly manageable and relaxed hair. One of the significant benefits of this treatment is the lasting shine it provides.
Aroma Treatment
The other option is the Aroma Treatment, a blend of abundant plant-derived ingredients and cutting-edge natural technology known as “NaturalTech,” applied using micro-mist to penetrate deep into the scalp and hair, delivering aromatic scents and natural radiance. Perfect for those seeking regular treatments or delicate hair care.
Opting for either of these treatments will result in healthier, more beautiful hair.
Why is treatment necessary?

When Shine Treatment Works The Best
– Your hair seems to drip forever after you have washed it.
– The treatment doesn’t last.
This is usually the case with hair that has been damaged by high level color.